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Welcome to Glitchy's Gameboy adventure page!

the main man mo

"The Story of Mo Stodd©" is a Gameboy project designed and coded for the original 1989 Nintendo Gameboy handheld console. It is due to be released next year.

All the assets for this platform adventure game were created by Matt Jones.

the master
computer room
boss house
dark forest
the loft
codeboy system
codeboy comby box
the pub
games room
the cave
the feast
real_gameboy image demo-shot
goblin sprite

The Game Assets

henchman sprite

The assets were all drawn using Aesprite - an amazing, very simple pixel art program - which even looks pixelated by design.

I had to compile my own copy of this using C++. This was a challenge within itself that was relished once completed.
It was so satisfying to add the aesprite icon to my dock!

aesprite loader screen
gb palette

Each sprite is 16 x 16 pixels which does not leave much room for detail in your characters and objects!
The restrictions mean you have to be very particular with every pixel.
Each sprite needs a green background that is hidden when rendered within the gameboy and the colour palette is limited to just 3 colours!

The level backgrounds were particularly interesting as you need to use a tile map to break it up i nto 16 x 16 tiles before 'painting' them into each game scene.
This example is not mine sadly but I hope to up my pixel art skills to this level.

I really enjoyed making these assets and I'm excited to get the game coded up (I'm 50% through currently).

aesprite example
1989 Gameboy
gameboy assets site preview
the loft - gates shut
codeboy system
ingame forest demo
the cave